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How to Play Tennis-The Basic Rules

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Here are some tips and tricks to help you learn tennis. Learn the rules of tennis from where to serve and where to receive. If you're playing Singles, the right-hand side of the court is the side to serve from.

Doubles players pick a side of the court to receive from

The preference of the players in choosing a partner is determined by their style of play and ranking. Doubles is competitive and players must communicate well. It can lead to a loss of match if one partner serves poorly or is left-handed. A player should also think about language barriers and whether their partner can participate in the same tournament.

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Singles players serve from the right of the center mark

Singles players serve from the right side of the court. To serve, a singles player must stand at the right of the baseline and to the right-hand side of the center line. To return, a player should stand on the left side of the court. A player standing on the left court side will see the baseline cross the center mark and intersect with the singles sideline.

Tie-break rule

Tie-breaks, which can determine a set, are high-pressure situations. The first player serves one serve and begins on the deuce. The player who serves the second serve has two serves and starts in the ad.

Proper serve

Tennis is all about knowing how to serve correctly. It is crucial to ensure that your feet are in line with the baseline when serving. If you serve without putting your feet in the proper positions, it will be a foot fault.

Service lets

A service let is the most popular type of tennis let. It occurs when the ball strikes the net chord and alters its trajectory. If the ball clips the net, it will usually make an audible noise. It is the responsibility of each player to contact a service provider, but it is particularly important to do this promptly.

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Respect for other players, their property, as well as the environment is an important part of tennis etiquette. Additionally, it is important that you do not throw balls onto other players' courts. It can be dangerous for the safety of the other player.

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How to Play Tennis-The Basic Rules