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The Basics of Rugby

ball cricket

The rules of rugby are fundamental. You cannot pass the ball either sideways, or backwards. To create a gap in defense, the offense uses sideways passes and forms large horizontal lines. It is forbidden to pass the ball forward; however, it is allowed to pass it across the body. It is okay to move the ball forward so long as you can catch it.

Rugby law

There are many rules to rugby. The lineout is one of these rules. Lineout is when a ball is not in play and must be restarted. In order to do so, both teams will assemble forwards in a line on either side of the field. The hooker from one team will throw the ball into the lineout. Once the ball reaches the lineout, players lift one another and the ball is returned to the team's line.

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The scrum is a key part of rugby, and is a crucial part of restarting play following a minor infringement. The scrum involves 16 players, including designated forwards. The forwards and scrum halves use their feet and legs "hook" to move the ball through the scrum and out at the back. The team that places the ball into the scrum wins the ball. If the other team tries to take possession of the ball, they will do so with "against feed" or "tight head". The scrum is highly technical and involves a great deal of skill.

Passing the ball forward with both your hands

One of the most basic aspects of rugby is passing the ball forward with your hands. The purpose of the pass, is to get the ball in the hands of your teammate. It is recommended that novice players learn the basics of passing. It is easier to perform this correctly than to learn more complicated techniques. You can also learn how to make a 'pop' pass, which is a short pass that hangs in the air. The pop pass can be used to switch the ball from one player to another.

Dangerous charging in rugby

Dangerous charging in rugby is a foul play that involves a player tackling another player in a situation where the opponent is not in possession of the ball. This is an illegal and unfair play that should not be allowed. It is also against the law for players to charge a ball carrier while they are running for it.

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Running skills in rugby

Running skills are a key part of rugby. There are five kinds of running skills that rugby has. These are: lateral, sidestep and body swerve. The sidestep is an important skill for rugby players because it allows them to wrong-foot their opponents and run past them. This skill requires timing and eye contact.


The Basics of Rugby